
I was hoping that some rich guy would buy Heartland Park and not worry about making a profit, and I don’t have much confidence in the guys who did buy it and have a feeling that the bank will own it again sooner than later. The selling price was cheap enough ($5 million or less, I don’t remember exactly) that it could

if you’re one of those lazy #millenials trying to take the easy way out.

A fake one.

If autonomous cars ever get their act together I hope that designs like that will become common.

i’ve definitely been in the back of one of these on short trips.

You’ve got me topped—I live in Topeka, KS....and the only time we’re in the news is for the Phelps family and the Westboro Baptist Church.

Road courses suck to watch

Bravery has its limits. He found the limit to his bravery that day.

I think that they said that in that horrible prequel to Silence of the Lambs, but it was so horrible that I don’t want to Google it to be sure. Dumb story short, a guy gets eaten by boars who were released to kill him. If you haven’t seen it, don’t! Forget what I’ve told you about the movie, other than never, ever

So are you saying that she’s going to be a Presidential candidate in 2020 or 2024?


your taste in music could also be due to the makeup of the songs predominant in your culture.

Oh, shit! Do they do COTD on Sundays?

I’m surprised that nobody else mentioned it. It kinda looks like the body of an American muscle car dropped onto the frame of one of those tiny Japanese cars from the 70's.

Free child labor plus liquor and tobacco anywhere, any time of day.

That cartoon gets used a lot, but it’s perfect for this car. I looked at the pictures and tried to think of insulting things to say about it, but it’s not bad.

The M&Ms are not for the ferrets themselves, but for the prairie dogs in the area, which are a main source of food for the ferrets.

I had no idea that this was necessary. I just thought that they’d sweat out any liquids in their bodies and wouldn’t need to pee.