
I read about it the other day—we spend $437 million a year on military bands and that’s more than like five or six NATO allies. I’ve been waiting to use it for when someone was complaining about government spending, but I went ahead and used it even though I’m the one who brought it up. Oh, well. I’ll use it again. :)

You must be new here. Nobody proofreads and no corrections will be made. And it’s not just here, journalism in general is getting like this. My local newspaper’s website is always posting articles with errors and not correcting them or correcting them and not making any note of a change, so the people who made

That’s true, but I think that it’s funny that whoever created that stole the image that they used. Trust no one!

Basically, their strong suit is monitoring and endlessly investigating civil rights leaders and folk musicians.

I read a news story a few years ago about a man who bought an RV and immediately crashed it when he set the cruise control and left the driver’s seat to go into the back. The moron actually won the lawsuit against the RV dealer, if I remember correctly, but I have no idea how or why. The moral of the story? People are

There’s an insurance agent in my town whose name is, no lie, Chip Munk, and he uses that .gif on an electronic sign outside of his office.

Looking at you Leslie, if that’s your real name.

I’d like to see the difference in voting if this thing had a stick. It was around 50/50 when I voted a reluctant CP, but I’d bet it’d be at least 60/40 NP if it had a manual transmission. I know that I would have voted NP.

It takes a brave man to put a license plate that says “RARE VAN” on his automobile. I would assume that people would use White Out, paint, or anything else they could think of to make it into the “RAPE VAN.” I’m juvenile enough that I’d do it once or twice.

Even though it’s just a tiny, non-important part of the story, I agree with you. It makes it look like he was a passenger in the car or that it happened in England or somewhere that they drive on the right side.

“Resisting arrest” and “disobeying a lawful order” are their favorite bullshit charges when they want to arrest someone but don’t have any legal reason.

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or just stupid, but you should probably just stop using the internet for the rest of the weekend and try to start again on Monday after you’ve thought about ways to change your douchebaggery.

clears my head of the wind and is below my vision line.

How effective are the windshields on the Atom? I think it’s an amazing car, but I’d want windshields at least two or three times larger.

Messerschmidt microcar ... four guys climbed into the bed of the truck of the seller and carried into the bed of the buyer. ... tailgate to tailgate.

I could be mistaken about the Challengers, but I work a block away from the headquarters for the Kansas Highway Patrol and some of the big-wigs park in a lot next to where I park. I’ll check tomorrow when I get to work and take pics of there are any.

To tell the truth I don’t know the difference between the two (they’re ok cars, but I’ve never actually looked at them), but I think that I have seen Challengers. I work a block away from the headquarters for the Kansas Highway Patrol so the cars I’m thinking about would belong to the big-wigs. I cut through a parking

I’ve always wondered if some cars could fit in the back of a pickup truck, so now I know. But I always think of little hatchbacks or sports cars and never would have thought that a Samurai could do it.

1. And have everyone in front of me slow down to exactly the speed limit? No thanks

From my experience it takes a funny comment or a comment that adds to the discussion to get out of the gray. Sometimes it’s just posting a comment at the right time when someone from Jalopnik will notice it and follow you (that’s what it takes to get out of the gray—Jalop, BlackFlag, TheGarage, etc. following you).