
Awesome! Every car guy’s (and car kid’s) dream. The only thing better would be to have a model of a car that you actually designed, but considering how many people work on the design of a car it’s probably cooler to have a picture of a car that you own on the box for a model.

Did anyone else read that in Phil Hartman’s voice?

What city is in the background on that? It looks like random cracks without any rhyme or reason. That’s one of the nice things about most of the cities west of the Mississippi—they’re set up on a grid pattern so it’s a lot easier to figure out where you are and where you’re going. It’s even easier in my town because

Where do refurbs like this come from? Were they returned to Acer because of a problem? Display models at places like Best Buy?

Where do refurbs like this come from? Were they returned to Acer because of a problem? Display models at places like

And for extra theft protection, get a car with a lockout ring for getting into reverse. With that, a large percentage of people who know how to drive stick won’t be able to figure out how to get it into reverse.

That is an ugly car. I’m a big fan of hatchbacks, but that Audi looks like three different cars poorly Photoshopped together.

Now playing

A great talent. If you’re an Amy Winehouse fan, you’ll probably like the Belgian singer Selah Sue. Here’s her doing a cover of “Valerie”:

That’s the best-looking Mustang II that I’ve ever seen.

Looks more like Tom Sellick to me.

Awful car. The Pinto is a much better-looking car than a Mustang II.

Natural wear on the gearshifter lending an authentic patina to this sports coupe.

Whatever, fag. Go suck a dick.

You dumb cocksucker, I thought that you said that you were done? Or did you mean that you were done sucking your boyfriend’s dick? If so, go find another fag’s cock to suck.

Whatever, fag. Go suck a dick.

Natural wear lending it an authentic patina.

Whatever, fag. Go suck a dick.

Go suck a dick, faggot.

You want more?’s unfortunate that you have a tiny penis and need to surround yourself with firearms in order to feel like a real man.

Whatever, gun nut. People like you are the problem.

You gun nuts are too much. Ignore the problem and go fondle your guns.