
The amount of food that we waste in the U.S. is shameful. Where'd you get that chart? I'd like to know the difference between avoidable and possibly avoidable.

That's a horrible idea. It's bad enough that Uber is making their money by ignoring the rules and laws that govern the taxi industry, but Uber riders shouldn't be responsible for feeding Uber drivers. If the Uber driver can't take a 5 minute break to go to the bathroom or a 20 minute break to eat, then there's even

When I read that, I thought that "it receives its power from the sound waves in the air which are transmitted from your local radio stations" sounded like bullshit so I googled it and that's actually a real thing! I've heard of crystal radios before but I just thought that they were some kind of homemade radio, I

I can just imagine some hippy re-using their condoms for this in order to be more "green."

Speaking of condoms and live performances, I've heard that guys who tape live concerts use condoms on their mics if the concert is outside and there's rain. If you pull 'em tight on the mics apparently they don't distort the sound.

Show shovels with straight handles are harder on your back than ones with curved handles, but there are different curves so test 'em out before you buy one.

I love "Home Movies" and I'm happy to see that it's featured on the front page. I wish that Brendan and Coach McGuirk would get their own show. I'd even settle for a cheap MST3K ripoff just to get them back together.

Cars may have UV blocking windows, but they don't block 100% of the rays. For example, I keep one of those reusable grocery bags in the pocket behind my passenger seat, and the bag is falling apart where it is exposed to the sun.

I've read that and that's why I asked if it was still a bad idea...but that's 3 years old, so hasn't technology changed since then?

What about using an HDTV for a computer monitor? Still a bad idea?

Just out of curiosity, can you guys at Lifehacker see who is using ad-blocking software when they visit your website?

I doubt that I'll ever do this but it's good to know that you CAN do it. Kinda like how I already know that you can freeze bread but I never do it, I just complain about them not making half loaves of sandwich bread. I'd be willing to pay almost the same price as a whole loaf just so I wouldn't have to waste half a

Beer is a mysterious substance. I didn't start drinking it until after I turned 21 and I couldn't drink beer while eating until I was 33 or 34 years old. Now at 40 I love having beer and food together.

For areas where cold winters are normal, is this is an issue in all houses or just old ones? I've had my pipes freeze once but it was an old house with terrible insulation.

Pink handcuffs?

Whitlock writes and speaks the truth, and most of the time that's hard for people to hear.

His columns about the Griefs were typically 100% correct.

He may have missed the joke, but his comment was 100% correct.

Jason Whitlock was right. Stuart Scott WAS a clown.

Participating in the sport of wrestling is homosexual no matter what you say or who you are. You can't claim "no homo" when for all intents and purposes you're naked and rolling around on the floor with other men. I've had another man suck my cock and that's less gay than the sport of wrestling.