Props for not only taking ownership of and acknowledging the poor decision, but also taking proactive action to correct said decision. Good blogger writer internet man.
Props for not only taking ownership of and acknowledging the poor decision, but also taking proactive action to correct said decision. Good blogger writer internet man.
I linked it there for those reading the story but unfamiliar with what the videos actually were, but the vid has now been removed because that was also a stupid idea.
Hellraiser over Prom Night is ludicrous when you consider that Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II exists, but okay.
So parasocial Mulaney-Munn bad, parasocial fucked up Spears family fair game?
Someone doesn't know how valuable source code is...
Hackers have never stopped using it. At this point it’s probably used ironically for the troll factor.
Linus and Luke wouldn’t touch this with a 50 foot robot pole, operated remotely by Twitch Chat. The liability of infringement, intentional or otherwise, from having even glanced at the information would be potentially devastating. They’ll read up on articles or maybe talk to people who have looked into it, but they’re…
His ex-wife isn’t 10 years younger than him. He’s 39 and she’s 36.
Ma’am, that’s John Mulaney, not Mick Mulvaney
...what? Mulaney doesn’t have any kids, and he was apparently already separated from his ex-wife when he and Munn got together.
“Seems like?”
What day was that? Yesterday?
For those keeping score at home...
Silver for athletes, steel for humans.
““I’ve never cared about anyone’s race, religion, gender, or orientation,” Cawthon wrote”
Exactly. This is like when people say “I don’t see race.” Well then it’s no fucking wonder you don’t recognize your own racism.
Interesting, so this hot tub streaming is a loophole in the guidelines used to dress provocatively..
I would argue that back in the Gawker days they were both. I remember reading some incredibly well researched and well thought out pieces on Jez, Gawker, Deadspin, etc. about topics nobody else was discussing. Lately they’re not even good bloggers.
Nah, fuck that. That’s just the excuse they like to fall back on any time they’re called out on their sloppy work. Whether they like to admit it or not, this is a news site - people come here primarily to find out what’s going on, and the opinion then comes as part of that package. When you can’t even be bothered to…