
I would be 100% OK with this.

Randy Moss. All fines are to be paid in straight cash, homie.

She fucked gotta maintain the lie that we are defined by certain traits as opposed to our minds... they’ll find a suck up soon enough

Yes, multiple times. Deadspin has done their best to ignore it.

Or any of those Nordic countries that people seem to like.

People are angry that she doesn’t view white people as a monolith. Which is weird given Sidney’s stance here: “as though hiring women and minorities means building an ideological monolith—is insulting and absurd.” 

He had a terrible pregame speech about “wanting to eat a W” that week. They amazingly didn’t win.

Shocker, I know.

And this is him when people are watching.

Yes, that’s why he said “almost certainly” instead of “certainly”.

Yeah. I’m not a juror. I’m a guy judging based on the shit that has been published about him in the past.

Take my star, you bastard.

Okay, so not witnesses. Bizarre framing.

That’s a weird way to use the term witness. This isn’t a judgement of the victim, but of buzzfeed.

To be fair, groping is technically an improvement from rape.

I read that to mean they were in a fast food drive thru, but if it was in a restaurant, that makes sense.

So, not five witnesses then.

As someone whose politics are closely aligned with Franken’s, I am extremely disappointed, and in no way willing to defend what he’s done. Whether this should result in his removal from office by impeachment or resignation is a tougher question. I think it’s important to get input from his constiutents. Do Minnesotans

I’m not only willing to vote for and support completely clean candidates, but that doesn’t mean that I have to accept or support someone who’s good in a lot of ways, and terrible in others.