
Read that last sentence. I specifically said they shouldn’t just hire conservatives because conservative.

So 11?

Lay off that cardboard crack.

So colleges actually have an active debate on topics as opposed to a reinforcing echo chamber. It makes the peer review process useless if all your peers agree with you before you even start a study. Basically, the best way to know if you are correct is to have your views challenge by smart people who think you are

I never said liberal except to note that they aren’t anti science you fucking dolt. Progressives are anti-science. Liberals are the definition of pro-reason. It just so happens that most college professors aren’t liberal.

She actively tries not to pop cysts. Her goal is to get them out hole.

Youtube Johnathan Haidt. Any one of his online lectures will cover this. He is a well respected professor.

No. I mean progressives love a circle jerk and when progressives hire, they don’t hire conservatives people with ideological differences. Liberals are reason based. Progressives are as anti reason as bible thumpers. Just on different topics.

I’m suggesting that they weren’t free market except Pinochet because the government directed the private businesses on what to produce. And Pinochet wasn’t a fascist, at least according to the internet. He was just a dictator like Assad or Sadam.

If I have a bowl of skittles, I’m going to eat them regardless of whether or not they are Trump supporting skittles. Skittles are delicious. Seriously though, the conservative to progressive professor ratio at colleges is 1 to 7. Check out Johnathan Haidts talks on diversity of thought on college campuses. He is a

What examples? Nazi Germany didn’t have a free market economy. Neither did Italy. Spain didn’t until later in Franco’s rule, they started win government control and then switched to free markets so they could get aid money. Who are these free market advocates who tricked people into a collectivist system by spouting

Lol, two of their biggest speakers are Orthodox Jews. They aren’t fascists. They are free market, small government conservatives.

Two vehicles in a big ten parking lot with Trump stickers? Out of what? 1000s of staff? Sounds like a nightmare.

Are both of those devout Jews also Nazis? I just wanted to be clear on that.

Fascism controls private enterprise through cartels and top down direction of economies. This is anti-free market. This isn’t new information. If you are just trying to call them racist, call them racist. Fascists have collectivist goals as noted by the alt right’s economic positions and the economics of fascist

Sure, but they don’t promote fascism as their big schtick is free market economies and those two ideas are mutually exclusive.

It’s not a fascist group and free market economies are antithetical to fascism as fascism entails government direction of production (although still private ownership). Whether or not you hate them, they aren’t fascist because fascism has a meaning and that meaning literally doesn’t align with their espoused

They are meaningless in terms of them not being violent. They aren’t meaningless in that the student should most definitely sue for defamation if the teacher called her a fascist.

Probably. 1 and 5 humanities teachers are admitted Marxist according to Johnathan Haidt (liberal Professor Studying campus echo chambers, politics, and their basis in morality) while only 1 and 7 teachers self identifies as Republican. The idea that a teacher would call a student a Nazi by proxy for recruiting for

Except that isn’t the spirit in which believe women exists (at least not on this set of websites). You’ll regularly get the believe women crowd continuing to believe women even in the face of obvious facts to the contrary. See Jezebels and Gawkers coverage of UVA. They doubled down after the intial information came