
Remember ASU paid Todd Graham a $12 million buyout so they could hire this guy.

first season prediction: they maximize myriad robust synergies whilst simultaneously leveraging pre-existing yet forward looking infrastructure methodologies. also, lose a lot.

“In the spirit of innovation, our vision for this program is to have a head coach who serves as a CEO and is the central leader with a collaborative staff around him that will elevate the performance of players and coaches on the field, in the classroom and in our community. Equally important, the head coach will be

I was thinking about this during the Crisis on Earth-X episodes. It worked so well because we have years knowing these heroes and they have years of history together and they’ve been in different team-ups together before and know each other so even when there is ton of them and some only get one shot to shine it still

This is the equivalent of trading in a 16 year old Toyota pick-up truck for a previously returned Power Wheels Jeep from Toys R Us.

Well in fairness they do sometimes around where I live. However bears are bigger and unlikely to be in your shower.

I met an Aussie couple in Cancun in September. I told the woman I didn’t want to go to Australia because everything wants to kill you. She laughed about the silly way Australia is portrayed in the U.S. but I see the truth.

I’m confused about everyone saying this photo is evidence of sexual assault. It’s unprofessional, it’s unpleasant, I’d be furious too if I were her, and he absolutely should be grovelling for this. I’m not defending him in the least, and I don’t care at all if this wrecks his career. Them’s the breaks, jackass.

Her politics vs. his politics and the timing of this accusation culturally just don’t pass the smell test for me. This isn’t a dozen women coming out of the woodwork like Cosby or Weinstein or Moore, this is a single woman with a clear agenda with a sketchy story.

So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.

Are people so dumb...

I appreciate Ms. Dagg’s comments; she spoke the truth. It’s sad that a grown women would use “I’m pregnant” after the fact (of her ass-whoppin’) to try to get revenge on someone on the person that “she” attacked first! Ms. Dagg was defending herself, and I don’t believe that she knew the racist person was pregnant (if

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Daaamn! Who’s teaching white women to fight these days? That shit was brutal.

Since these statues are supposedly about history... how about we just erected another statue, next to existing statue, of a black union shoulder with a bayonet pointed at the original statue, and change the positions of the arms of the original statue into one of surrender, possibly holding a white flag?

This is not just Republican strategy. Do you think this is how a President Rubio, or a President Cruz, or even a President Pence would have responded? Dropped all pretense and supported violent racists and white nationalists that killed an innocent woman? Trump is something fundamentally different. He is a menace and

Not to mention the families of Holocaust victims and survivors. Trump spits in their faces with every utterance.

Yeah but her emails?

i dont even know anymore mate... everytime i read what trump said i get dumber... i swear this last year has killed more of my braincells than my youth of drug abuse and concussions did..

He knew exactly what he was saying with every repulsive word.