seriously how does Cuttino Mobely look better than Stevie Franchise? Its like a battle to find out who can turn into a hobo first.
seriously how does Cuttino Mobely look better than Stevie Franchise? Its like a battle to find out who can turn into a hobo first.
Perhaps he got her one of those musical Japanese toilets.
It was written by a PR firm.
My favorite quote from the GQ article: “To the twice-divorced Donald, Melania is terrific. He’s never heard her fart or make doodie, as he once told Howard Stern. (Melania has said the key to the success of her marriage is separate bathrooms.)“
She was like:
“When Fox interviews us, *they just take our word for everything*. Fact checking is for communists!”
I found it kinda cute because it reminded me of every old person on Facebook. “Hey Jimmy iTS GRANDMA lol love u - love grammy.”
Oh, it’s unfair to scrutinize Melanie’s parents but it was totally fine for her asshole husband and his cronies to bring up Obama’s parentage at every (inappropriate) opportunity.
Who knew Bernie was secretly a butterface
Can they just fire him at this point? I don’t know if it’s pride getting in the way, but he’s been daring it for months, maybe even years, now. There’s no way he forgot about ESPN giving Caitlyn Jenner an award last summer.
Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.
Started reading 12 years ago for me, and I agree completely.
As someone who started reading the series 15ish years ago and has read them all a couple times, I might get crucified for saying this:
I think you’re being a little too anxious about the show spoiling the books. It’s pretty much creating it’s own “ending” to the series and has diverged quite a bit from the books. Also, THOSE BOOKS ARE NEVER COMING OUT. ALSO, the show has improved a lot of stuff from the books while also doing some pretty weird…
But in “working her way up” she didn’t have the real world problems 99% of us endure. Rich people breathe different air than we do, without realizing the actual hard work it takes to support yourself, work menial jobs AND slog your way thru multiple cattle calls in the hope of not having to eat ramen 6 days a week.
Yeah, I love JLD but statements like that and “don’t settle for anything less than your dreams” drive me nuts. Do you honestly think that the hundreds of thousands of people who work in corporate backoffices grew up dreaming of spending 8 hours a day in a cube between a lady with an annoying voice and a guy with a…
She said the experience made her decide to refuse all jobs “that didn’t seem as if they would be really fun.”
This beats prayer, since you actually accomplish something at the end
As a dad with a 4 year old, I have rediscovered coloring and I would gladly color with her at any opportunity. I asked my wife just this weekend after coloring a pretty rad rocket ship (the kid did a nice bee) why we stop coloring in the first place. I find it calming (sit, focus, make small decisions that are…
She fucks.
Slow dancing with a massive boner was always the biggest obstacle to any junior high dance.