
The show has been about xenophobia from day 1 - every character is obsessed with protecting "my people" and strictly defining who qualifies as "my people." And all it's led to is endless war.

I mean, look at the message the show's characters keep repeating - 'maybe there are no good guys.'

Yeah, context definitely matters.

Yeah, I definitely think Bob Morley has been playing it as Bellamy developing feelings for Clarke. I don't think Eliza Taylor, nor the writers, have played it as a two-way thing.

Yeah. The climax of this episode was a good demonstration of Bellamy's skill at making plans.

Agreed with all of this. Jarod Joseph (Miller) is a superb actor who basically earned his character's way into the main group, I think, by being so appealing. I don't know about 2nd-best in the show (I'd put Eliza Taylor right up there with Lindsey). But he's great.

Neither Miller nor Bryan are top-billed - you're comparing them to relationships of the show's biggest stars.

Definitely a filler episode - that became clear in the first couple of minutes. But I figure, every series needs some filler episodes. I'm just pleased that they did such a good job of it, and made it really entertaining.

Yeah. As others have said, this was a completely unnecessary death.

Wait, what are they up to? Are they not chipped?

Ontari is *dumb*. Honestly, that's one of her most endearing characteristics to me, because 1) it's so consistent, 2) it's better than her craziness or lust for power, and 3) it's actually pretty rare to have a dumb character in a drama.

Definitely an A+ episode, in my opinion!!

Nope, he is extremely good-looking. His personality is equally appealing. And it's nice/a relief to have him working with Arkady and Nina, so that helps too.



Brother sestra!

Am I the only one who thought Joan was going to end up renting the apartment where the murder took place?

It…really depends how far you are from the blast?
Seriously, people. If a nuclear bomb goes off in your city…take cover. At least *try*.

Yeah, and moreover, new Indiana doesn't have to be exactly like old Indiana. I like that he would bring a different spin to the role.
He's got enough charisma and maybe enough toughness to pull it off, and that's really all that matters.
I am very OK with this idea.

Hahaha best thread ever.