
Nuclear reactors started melting down after years of disuse and no maintenance…. Because ALIE killed everyone off 100 years ago.

I thought the "finally" meant that Raven had been impatiently waiting for them to finish.

It got many people killed and forced pacifists to become violent. So, she achieved nothing and screwed many people over in the process.

Hahaha it's horrible, I love it!! And you end it with their trip to the theme park - just perfect!! So perfectly, secretly creepy.

Honestly, for a show of this caliber, that kind of mistake is shameful.

Awesome, thank you for this!

Granted, this show is very unpredictable. But I just don't see *how* they could possibly send Martha to Moscow. What would be the point of all this buildup???

Yeah, it made me wonder if they're starting to freeze Oleg out, or something.

I dunno - while I sympathized for his difficult position, I find it hard to care about Gaad. He seems completely worried about himself and his own career, nothing about the actual impact of Martha's spying - or even Gene's death.

Aaahhhhh! Goddamn Beeman and his insane powers of observation! He totally will!

He was really amazing in that scene. (and others, of course!)

Beautifully put, and something I never put together before. I think you're totally right.

*I* would love to see this exact show, taking place in the USSR. A pair of American spies, immersed in the culture, scheming and killing on behalf of the good old CIA. With a daughter slowly drinking the Party Koolaid, and a suspicious KGB agent next door teaching their son the wonders of vodka and…I dunno…. Tetris?

I agree - but I'm not so sure that this show doesn't share the stereotype of Soviets as "trigger-happy baddies." I mean, what have we seen in the show to contradict that?

Beautifully put.

It's funny, I expected to feel that way, but I don't. Not at all. I put it down to Alison Wright's powerful acting, and how much she makes me feel her terror and her grief.

We've seen really decent sketches in the past in this show - this was a reflection of how bad the landlord's observation was. That's why Stan showed Gaad the picture of Martha first, and was almost laughing about it. (also the fact that they didn't need it, but I think the point was how bad it was)

I loved the use of Necco wafers as a framing device, especially getting to see how they were made - it's a nice bit of history as well as an effective narrative tool.

Thanks for that. I appreciate the break-down, and I can see why a lot of your points would make people rage-y.

Ohhh right, thanks! Totally slipped my mind.