
I think you maybe missed the creepiness of Charlie's infantile fantasy….

Yes! I thought this episode was so much fun. I mean, it's never perfectly good, but…it knows how to pull us in. I'd have given it a B+ at least!

Oh, definitely. Katherine is always scheming to get ahead (or to survive). Damon tortures and kills people because it's fun. She is definitely more sympathetic.

He literally sat in front of Matt and blamed the fact that he killed Matt's sister on Katherine's existence. Pathetic. I haven't watched TVD in several episodes, and this one reminded me of why. "I needed an outlet." Holy crap, f**** this show's crush on Damon. He's disgusting.

What're you talking about? Is she pregnant? I didn't notice anything.

This show lost me when it descended into the depths of its love triangle, but even though I haven't watched I have really enjoyed reading these reviews! This last review, in particular, is a beautifully-written and thoughtful piece that kept my interest for every paragraph (not easy to do on the internet). Although it

Haha, also, they've already done amnesia. Lydia, season 1.

That's basically what Amanda was….

Most of all, the fact that Emily doctored and replaced the photo with her face shopped out. Lydia surely shared that tidbit with Victoria, making it all the more suspicious.

I am possibly reading too much into the actor's face… but to me he looked like a drunk guy trying to pretend he didn't do something. "Just act natural," he's thinking, even though when your wife has just been shot that's maybe not the best reaction.

I thought her smile - "and people say no one ever thinks of the mother of the groom" - was the best moment of the episode.

So glad I wasn't the only one to note the implausible scream that started this episode!

Call me paranoid…because I am… but is there any chance "Hostages" is paying for these reviews, and this grade was assigned in order to bring the average up?

I thought deadface was even funnier and usable.

Just a lot of blood in general! I found it kind of off-putting.

Actually, I assumed that going to the union was about bringing in consultants to do police work. It was actually a chilling threat, seen in that light. I don't really see what else a union would be relevant to. If he disapproved of Gregson's work style, he would just go to his supervisor.

"that was some startling chemistry between O’Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison."

A Spanish friend of mine commented how confusing it is that Americans verb everything - I mean, turn everything into a verb. I guess it's a side effect of the Internet?

Why do I always feel that every episode of this show has the same title? Have we really not had any episodes titled "Control" before?