
That is cool, but Tesla advertises a Level 2 system. Not a Level 3 system.

Volvo’s issue is this. Tesla and Volvo both have Level 2 systems. Tesla has a far superior Level 2 system.

Now playing

Let us remind ourselves of Volvo’s safety feature fails...

This smells like a publicity stunt, needlessly knocking Tesla for something that never claimed to be as capable as what Volvo is bringing to the table.

Quick!!! Stop the presses! Alert the editor that we have a new front page article for the morning edition “Rival automaker calls others automakers product garbage while touring the technological prowess of their own”

“I love guns... and a classroom of first graders being shot to death is AOK by me.”

At what point to the two things you compared actually equate to one another in a way that is meaningful to this discussion?

Republicans live and die on false equivalencies. Notice that they don’t do too well on the Internet on forums like this, where they actually have to defend their shit.

Ahh yes, how equivalent. Funny how people will disregard facts when trying to make some point.

I think it's because she claimed that the producer and Sony committed a hate crime against her. That part is the judge explaining why Kesha hasn't alleged facts that would qualify as a hate crime (Kesha hasn't alleged that he raped her out of a hatred of woman, rather than as a hatred of her, or to gain power over

Dr. Luke has not been convicted of any crime—-thus far. The judge’s language does not “acknowledge” any rape because a court of law has not determined that a rape has occurred.

Yea it was disappointing that Chris Rock didn’t include all the other minorities that don’t get the roles. It’s not like each group gets to have someone host the Oscars so it’s not like an Asian, Native American, or Latino host next year can say hey you notice how we don’t get nominations because we don’t get the