
How'd you get the animatronics to fight each other?

Weezer was still one of my favorite concerts back in 2002. But that was one of those weird, everything coming together as a 21 year old moments where I rode out to Toronto with my hot gf (she didn't stay that way), and we hung out on the lawn at the Molson amphitheater. They did a lot of Pinkerton, which I guess they

He's a politician. Those guys are black belts at answering the question you didn't ask. The good ones are slick enough to leave you thinking "well I don't always agree with him but he's right, we do need to remember our core values as Americans and SON OF A BITCH, HE JUST SAID BOILERPLATE FEEL NICE CRAP." It would be

Man who has made millions by grunting at tools wonders if we share evolutionary traits with apes.

Every year thousands of hunters bag deer across this nation. But, you know, every once in a while a deer fights back and messes a dude up with his horns or hooves.

Those people don't even understand that the southern states didn't respect the rights of the northern states who chose not to return escaped slaves as they didn't consider them to be property. The Confederacy literally fought against states rights.

Yeah you do. You get rid of these statues dedicated to racist traitors.

You are the worst kind of person. "I know that person just called your entire family a slur, but come on. Let's not swear. Express yourself like a gentleman."

Guys, do you really think that Confederate is going to presume that slavery was a good thing? I assumed it was more dystopian than a feel good story.

This doesn't look good. This is C grade Oscar bait.

I'm trying to cut down on the swearing. Consequently it's the only word I ever think about all day long. I've probably used it too much.

You aren't fooling anybody by pretending not to know.

"It's a part of history."

Your thesis was "Applebee's: Not very good, or able to handle non burger items." With a few exceptions, we're all pretty much in agreement with that take. It isn't a good restaurant.
Having said that, ordering a pasta dish in a non Italian restaurant is an insane decision to begin with.

I find this much more disturbing that the What if the Confederacy WON show.

Barry Melrose's mullet.

Applebees: One Can Survive The Trip

But I still don't get why your brother ordered pasta at an Applebees? What was he expecting?

I mean if your brother ordered pasta at an Applebee's, he kind of had it coming. Applebee's is a diner, with darker lighting, and a bar where you can get watered down drinks. That's it. Personally, I don't order pasta at diners. But that's just me.

"Applebee's: Are you a cop? You have to tell me if you're a cop. That's like entrapment."