
Kotaku will most definitely swallow up AV Club's gaming. I can't remember a ton of great coverage on video games from the AV Club though. It's certainly not what brought me here.

One of the things that I always liked the AV Club (and hated IO9 for doing the opposite of) was the way they didn't intentionally spoil things. I don't have HBO. I watch GoT a day after the fact. AV Club will give a general headline. IO9 will post a picture of a key event that took place in the link to the article.

What I want to know is will the AV Club be merging with IO9 or are they going to remain separate? It seems like there are going to be a lot of redundancies. Do people here not like IO9? I realize they've got more of a science fiction/fantasy bent as opposed to the general pop culture of the AV Club, but I would think

I just don't see what the problem is though. You can keep your avatar. You can still find people. You could subscribe to other accounts, though I haven't seen the need to. You can post pictures if that's your thing. If 100 people comment you don't have to minimize and hit more or scroll until your finger falls off.

You guys are acting like you won't be able to do the exact same thing on kinja that you can do here.

The Leather Special was bad. So long as you're stealing material, you might want to nab a few good jokes.

I like kinja. You can post pics if you like, you don't have to get caught up in the thousand comment discussions. Once you get out of the greys (Not very hard. Some people ask, but I find that to be gauche. Just post useful or funny comments and you'll get through eventually) there's really no downside.

He looks like Freezey Krueger.

I think the spectacle is pretty meaningless. Kind of boring, really. I think we're conditioned to see dragons and ice zombies and say, "Well this is really something," but nobody feels anything. When the Mountain crushed the Viper's head you felt that. When Joffrey died, you loved that and felt great. Even smaller

It's actually kind of fun to watch the show get worse and worse every week. By the time this thing is over Jon Snow is going to have a game of catch with his adopted dragons.

Godzilla movies are bad though.

With my limited exposure to Libertarianism, I've always thought it was the party of "BUT I WANNA" They're anti regulation of damn near anything. So no real safety net, but also nothing preventing the powerful from doing whatever they want to you either. I guess they're just trusting that they're going to line up in an


He's that rugged.

Remember kids, protesting is nasty business. Consume.

Where is "here" for you?

Date Night of Broken Glass

You're thinking of the other side.

Did his brain explode when you told him about park dimensions in other stadiums? Or how teams don't play each other an equal number of times throughout the league?

Baseball. Just try explaining the rules to baseball to an adult who does not know them. I'll wait.