no doy
no doy
I think the skirt is ok, actually, but I may have very lousy taste.
Be careful, nuanced opinions and life-histories are not always ok here.
Stassa, I love that you insist on the complexities and nuances of this story. So many times I’ve been frustrated with the Good vs. Evil narrative here on Jezebel and elsewhere (Chris Pine good! Taylor Swift bad!).
That’s how cities roll. I know this might be surprising, but people have very often moved to cities from other places.
Well, to be honest, you probably shouldn’t be letting them drink soda, or [something something] and they won’t get into Harvard.
real talk
Such a classic.
Where are they in general, my dudes?
Also this is so typical. Good job setting up strong women with non-mainstream aesthetics against each other, so one has to lose. Why not have Baba Yaga square off against the Cyclops, and Mothwoman against Cyborg?
I’m dying.
Giraffes are seriously the bomb.
+1 for noting the most bizarre aspect of this whole thing.
On the other hand, Jean Auel’s books ftw.
I do not thank you.
I want to see the flying butter-churns everywhere.
I liked his books for few years as a kid. They seem pretty cringesome when I think back to them, but I’m not surprised I didn’t think of their problematic sides, I was super spacey as a kid.*