I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion


I must have taken a double dose of my dumbass pills this morning because I don’t know what that’s supposed to imply.

I didn’t understand a word of that (well, maybe some of the prepositions), but I have the distinct impression that someone got told.

It’s better in Belgium :)

In what sense? (Not a rhetorical question)

I just discovered that some people like it!

I wonder how much of an American thing this is. I don’t live in the USA, and when I visit I’m always amazed by how depleted the (gigantic) retail stores look.

That’s a bad idea, because tater tots are irresistible.

I like your principles.

I don’t know enough to weigh in on the historical side of things, but I definitely admire your cool.

Hey it’s that guy from that show.

Same, except you have to replace “a nacho” with “this here bowl of nachos.”

I know nothing about real housewives on tv (other than what I glean from Jezebel), but I do want to point out that The Real Ramona is the name of one of the most kick-ass albums out there, by the Throwing Muses.

Great gowns.

That makes no sense, his last name is Pine.

Seriously, guys. Read Krishnamurti or something.

And what does ‘content’ mean anymore?

That’s cool, because I’m covering how to spend a medium amount to eat a lot of good food while surrounded by second-hand couches and three metric shit-tons of books.

I just googled Brigitte Nielsen (look what you made me do), and she looks kind of like I would expect an aged Brigitte Nielsen to look.

Is it weird that I was mildly surprised that Geraldo Rivera is still alive?