I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

Hey there, Judgey McJudgeface, how do you find the time for incisive comments when you should be busy ordering organic pureed kale-quinoa-chia-stuff for your infant?


D’oh, I got kinjaed.

*Edited for having nothing to say.

Also high turnover of senior aides.

I’m that friend.

And also because buttercream is gross.

Pretty much the same as you :)

I feel like this is starting to get a little harsh on the lizard people.

I’m so sick of all these stupid articles that get everything all wrong.

watch out they’re coming

what the hell

what kind?

different genitals?

seriously, whipped cream > buttercream any day of the week

Your updates are great, thanks for doing them. Just though I should mention that.

Looking forward to the wheels of revolution rolling over people like this.

Excellent comment, unlikely content.

Or someone with functioning taste buds, because gin is deeelicious.

I don’t see what’s so special about liking tasty things, anyone can do that.