Or does he want to protect them from the jeahs of visiting athletes?
Or does he want to protect them from the jeahs of visiting athletes?
I want to be honest with you. I don’t know so much about this stuff because I haven’t seen a decent movie for adults in the past two years, at least not in a movie theater. I have, on the other hand, seen lots of super hero movies and animated movies. THANKS KIDS.
Toes are fine. People can do their jobs without worrying about what other people are or aren’t wearing.
I have been wondering whether I can get away with going to work in gym shorts and a t-shirt, because it is damn hot where I live. So far, computer says no.
Tom Hardy is terrific, and so is Michael Fassbender.
Hot take: Marvel movies are often ass.
Agree to agree.
I took my 6 year old and she loved it.
View to a Kill?
I’d like to have a whole series of “Fuck X. He’s the Y of field Z.”
Seriously though she was so beautiful.
That can change, actually. I always hated exercise, but once I started doing it, I found it to be enjoyable. Sometimes during the exercise itself, but almost always afterwards. And I definitely enjoy the general effects it has on my health and mental state.
It might be helpful to find a group, which can make previously unfun things more fun, and the support you get from the group can also help with motivation.
I think it really depends. For me, I saw very few results at the beginning, and then everyone was like “Holy crap, you lost a lot of weight.” For my partner it was the same - she was running for almost a year, and then everyone suddenly noticed that she was looking awesome.
That’s a really great comment!
I like swimming before work, but to be honest, while it makes me more relaxed and IDGAF during the day, it also kicks my ass and makes me tired. So I tend to do it weekend mornings or weekday nights, as a result.
I’m basically like you, but I recently found that I like participating in some competitions, but when I set my own goals. So for example, I participated in a 5k race, but my goal was to finish the race. I didn’t feel like I was competing with anyone there.
I also hate the gum, but found that I like swimming and running.
I can only share what worked for me.