Even if they did, it would probably be ironic and boring....
Even if they did, it would probably be ironic and boring....
The Libertines were (arguably) a great band. Anyway, Can’t Stand Me Now is a great song.
Kris Jenner has such a weirdly burnished face.
That’s pretty much Kurt Vonnegut’s philosophy, although he also seemed to find interest in idiots.
I support your right to do this, while still wondering one would choose to exercise this right.
You’re just saying words now.
I’m sorry, that’s no good unless you invent a disease with a bipartite Latinate name.
I don’t know. I loved but people’s taste can be so different, so probably no principle is at work here.
Lolly Willowes is easiest to find, and it ROCKS. I also read her correspondence with William Maxwell, who I also love. I haven’t been able to find a lot of her other stuff, but she evidently wrote a series of stories about evil fairies in the New Yorker back in the day, which they collected in a single volume - which…
Don’t even mention the IMWs.
Maybe it’s akin to meditation - while Taylor is talking about I cannot imagine what, her interlocutors could be using her invariant facial expression as an object of focus in order to inwardly observe the subtle movements of the human consciousness.
It’s a lost cause. It will be all over here for a while, Kara will write Zaddy Court, people will rave about it, and the rest of the world will be blissfully unaware of what we were all doing to squander the very last remains of the Enlightenment.
People are bored and judgmental, probably, and it’s always good to have a focus, like man-buns, Chris Pratt, or the ever-changing roster of Women That Are Bad here on Jezebel.
I’m also crazy about her. Did you ever read Hangsaman?
So I really like your name, but now I am concerned about your glitterfarts.
On the one hand.
I don’t know that she is someone to look up to.
I’m not sure, but she sure did like small businessmen and smoking.
That legit gave me the shivers.
Oh! Please considering reading the book, and also her other novels, but especially We have always lived in the castle!