I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

In other words, the embodiment of everything Cormac McCarthy ever wrote.

In other words, the embodiment of everything Cormac McCarthy ever wrote.

In other words, the embodiment of everything Cormac McCarthy ever wrote.

The simple things are really the best.

Or the best...?

A (non-American) friend recently asked me when Americans became such avid coffee drinkers. Anyone know?


Yeah, I always try to avoid reading spoilers about a show or movie by going to a webpage that promises spoilers about that show or movie.

I’ve never seen this show, so I need to ask a question about the semiotics.

I bet he knows and the thought of Kara’s discussion of the issue just left him exhausted and pre-emptive.

He’s trolling Kara and the Jezzie commentariat.

I agree about the vinegar, but pickles in salty brine are good. Really.

Maybe he means the kind in vinegar, because that shit is rank.

I’ve never seen this show, so I need to ask a question about the semiotics.

This made me laugh immoderately.

I think I could handle like 3 hours with her, but then I would be like “Oh boy, look at the time [YAWN], I have to be at work tomorrow bright and early [YAWN].”

That’s true (and it’s also true of plenty of people).

Come on, Camille Paglia is the gift that keeps on giving, no ragrets.

Philip Roth can chill, there is a world full of wonderful writers, and I love your evoking John Cage here. 

I am crazy about your comments today.