I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

In 1991 it will be fashionable again!

starred for the strong but out-of-left-field slam on pie.

want that

Good whiskey and cheap salty junk food.

Coffee and online book-shopping.

Also Doritos. In tuna sandwiches.

I have quite a few of these, because I worked in restaurants when I was younger, so I saw lots of walls shit that looked like it was applied by helicopter. But here’s one that took place at someone else’s house. Whether it was a public bathroom I leave it for you to decide.

I love this thread.

Yeah, Clarissa explained it all, but why did she have to do it over 2000 pages?

Yeah, it’s not fair that people judge Michael Cera on his acting skills alone.

You’ll say WOW overtime.

I’m curious about the expression “like a dime on fire.” Did you make that up or is that a thing?

You shouldn’t eat meat.

Cool story bro.

Huh, I thought you were liked here. At least, I like to read what you write...

Chandler lost some weight!

for real

Counter suggestion: use the commuting time to read a book (if you’re on a bus or a train), or if that doesn’t work, try some very simple mindfulness exercises to find a little equanimity, which is very helpful if your job is stressful.

Those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s really had it better, music-wise.

for real