I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

What, once? That’s like smoking crack only once. By which I mean you must have superpowers.

you said it

intrigued, newsletter.

Maybe Atlanta? She likes Southern locations.

I used my old burner to star this, and would do so again.


mind. blown.

Kate Bush is still alive, right? And so is Bonnie Prince Billy.

That was a really fascinating exploration of your personal and highly subjective feelings, which should clearly be shared by many more people.


David Bowie and the crazy leaders from Civilization.

It’s legit.

This is like a Lydia Davis story, just excellent!

Laughing out loud for real.

That made me think of the Bonnie Prince Billy song “I see a darkness” that Johnny Cash covered (both were good!).

Could there be a Mel Brooks movie without Madeleine Kahn? Seriously asking.

Blazing Tuchus.

I don’t see how it can be good without having a lot of people with penises, maybe the reviews are just wrong.

uh genetic inferiority

could not agree more