
thankyou good sir, that made my day! LOLz

I am partial to the MK3(Ultimate/trilogy) ninja costumes styles myself, hope they do a DLC with that in the future.

I see u trollin

The Pest is one of my favorite movies! The car boombox competition was comedy genius!

FO:New Vegas improved upon pretty much every single thing in the game from Fallout 3. If both games were 100% bug free I would have to say New Vegas is x10 better than Fallout 3. I say this for two reasons, #1 Fallout 3 was one of the most well liked games ever, and #2 Fallout 3 had a fair share of it's own bugs,

Valve would never completely do away with single player campaigns. It goes against the immersion for telling the story which is a cornerstone of valve games. Sure, all games with some type of multiplayer mode yes, but this doesn't mean we wont have a single player.

I'd disagree, in HL2 thru Ep2 You have a sidekick (not just Alyx) somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 of the time. The sidekicks play very crucial roles in the game to be sure, but that's probably why it feels like they are around more than they actually are.

omg! The Ogres and Kajait actually look bad ass! I might actually play as one this time!

I find it simultaneously hilarious and pathetic that so many of people that are "disappointed" or "angry" that they moved in a direction more similar to the games than that of the viral teaser are the same people saying that they don't even like Mortal Kombat.


SICK SICK SICK AWESOME! Thankyou for that link!

I think you over hyped the blood a bit... not nears as bloody/gory as you made it sound, but still nice looking. Been a while since I played a LotR game that look cool, this looks pretty cool.

What I wan't to know is, since the Playstation 3 version comes with a free steam downloadable version, AND you can share game saves between them using the PScloud and Steam cloud... Could I play my steam version co-op with a buddy on the ps3.

wow, I had a hard time believing the 3Ds was going to do as well as expected due to the price, but with all these "lacking features" it sounds like it is going to have a harder time than I thought. Sure it will sell well in the beginning, but I bet it doesn't have the legs like previous DS's.

I kind of looked at it like, once they were on Helgan doing their thing, the damage was already done to their bodies before they were able to get a resupply or manufacture ones of their own. Remember those conversations took places over many years.

Well here is another image... faces are in different order, but this coulda been an early build or something, who knows.

YES! My Kabal brother! I wan't to be part of his army!

No but I'm about to!!! This oughta be fun! LOL

so they can make you buy an alternate DLC costume? Or maybe incentive to unlock one from the Krypt.

between Jax and Stryker... really? They even have a list naming characters as they appear on screen. Come on man!