
umm... my leg hurts now. Thanks for that.

God I'd love to have a 4-way with real life versions of those renditions of Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Killer Cro... I mean Harley Quinn!

name another game that has sold an expansion to about 40% of their player base in only a month.

"How Do You Balance A New Baby And Gaming?"

Look at the grass...

what.... the... fffffuuuuuu

@MaliceDX: those are not coming out early this year, at least none that I'm aware of

beautiful trailer... I can't belive I didn't realise the game was coming out so soon! I wasn't planning on having to buy so many games this early in the year =(

@imaximus: Oh and of course Steam... cuz Steam is awesome.

Occasionally Target (good deals) Occasionally Best Buy (cuz im lazy)

@AzmoD3uS: then you were an idiot. I 1st played Mario Bros when I was 3-4 yrs old and I never thought it was magic.

Let me put it this way, I have never gotten rid of/traded in/threw away a game and NOT regretted it somewhere down the line.

@Sterling Archer: Trolololol GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption also have max output resolution of 720p and look just fine

@Sterling Archer: Trololol more? You have no idea what your talking about orrrrrrrrr your just another troll.

@-MasterDex-: It's the same with the other two. What I meant was you wont see that quality of facial movement/animation while actually playing the game, only during the cinematics.

@Sterling Archer: I have no idea why you think screen resolution has anything to do with facial animation, but ok.

I think Heavenly Sword and Enslaved have the best faces... but then those are also cinematics. However I guess R*'s will be cinematics too.

Geez! When do you have time for sex?