
Almost every cop movie is about a blue-collar white guy. So, shut up.

Send him down to the minors.

Also, why can’t these imbeciles take off their hats indoors? Do they hate America? Do they hate the troops?

Closest Palin will get to a white house portrait. Or a job.

No future NFL careers were jeopardized.



Let’s not ignore the fact that she’s going to be 84 this year and would over 90 by the end of the next Senate term.

Gronk offered to help Spicer.

Are Georgia sports relevant enough to merit a change to the law?

Generally, it is being a sexual harasser that ruins your career not being punished for sexual harassment that ruins a career.

At least hippies can read. From the article:

I think the true headline is that Kevin Johnson assaulted a veteran who tried to feed him dessert. Kevin Johnson hates the troops.

he worked as the company’s CEO for 14 years before stepping down being forced out

Work-truck white is the worst car color.

This is too much. I mean, I sorta agree that she is ignorant in her analysis but if we’re using Glenn Beck as the bar, it’s pretty low... so... anyway, here’s a situation where only the lawyers win and I’m somehow ok with that.

Chinese people don’t want her tacky shit either.

There it is.

Not even a good sex tape.

Alternate Headline: Republican calls for expansion of government to build a militarized police state.