

Tash Sultana.

“I felt sorry for this one guy he stood there for an hour trying to get a ticket.”

Could have saved 15% by switching to Geico.

Has Seinfeld ever told an edgy joke? Or does he just heckled by college kids asking if he wants to marry their little sisters?

Corporate deregulation kills jobs.

Well, his dad did kill JFK from what I saw on the news... so... maybe.

I once asked someone to “quit harshing my mellow”.

Trump is shallow and she has a lot of wrinkles. Did you think she would last?

It could be argued that the flag was meant to incite violence which means it would not be protected speech.

Stop waving the flag of traitors who wanted to own people like property.

The videos won’t play... are we mad at the cops or Joey Porter?

The one with the least amount of orange. For exactly the reason you think.

Except for a house on the lake and six cars.

We used rocks. And we were thankful.

I bet someone tweets that link at carlson everyday. And that’s the way it should be.

Personally, I cannot wait for how much groceries will cost:

Unlike Abbot, I’m willing to STAND UP for people. And if he wants to make jokes, I’ll be the bigger man and WALK AWAY.

Let’s put this kid on the $20.

Top Reason not to listen to John McCain: Sarah Palin.