

Can we hashtag all of Surgery Jenner’s instagram post with #secondaryrealitytelevisionpersonality ?

“a secondary reality television personality,”

As a life long patriots fan, that is where I would have to draw the line. I would become a fucking Bills fan if that were true. The Bills.

What will be our equivalent of the burning of the Reichstag?

Did our slow march to fascism begin with Allen Dulles and the Nazi ratlines? Asking for a freind.

You know who else can’t loans from banks? Donald Trump. And that was before Dodd-Frank.

The latest season was bad. Just let it die.

Why aren’t the conservatives upset about the fact that these regulatory rollbacks will benefit George Soros?

Have female applications to Baylor been impacted?

Is he even good enough for a team to consider him?

This is accurate. Which is depressing.

The only way their economic plan works is perpetual war.

What in the actual hell is this response? Did you misunderstand a four word post? Perhaps you jumped to a conclusion too soon. Perhaps you could have saved some face by thinking things through before replying.

Steve Bannon looks like an alcoholic Nazi running this country full steam into a autocracy lead by an orange moron.

I’m curious. Go on...

This ends with her ODing on pay per view, right?

You’re right and while that’s not what I meant, it is what I should have meant.

Hey Liberals: Buy guns and get angry.

These people ignore a major difference between the United States and Europe: GEOGRAPHY.