
What if the inauguration got lower ratings than the new Apprentice with Arnold?

Just gently remind those people that Jesus monitors facebook and they will be going to hell. And that your thoughts and prayers are with them. Toss in a “bless your hearts” if needed.

If those morons had to compete in the stock market and not reap the benefits of inheriting property, that family would have been poor long, long ago.

Income verification... check.

There is no reason for Putin to be saying anything unless he is expecting something to come from the Trump Administration. If Putin has nothing to gain/lose, then why comment?


Are you bad at math, reading or both?

Khloe is OJ’s kid, right? Or am I getting mixed up?

That chin-strap beard is a pretty effect contraceptive, no?

I’m sure Trump and his supporters will be outraged at this loss of manufacturing jobs in the US.

This is from the party of small government that expands government. Hates regulations but creates more regulations (more aimed removing rights from people or legislating women’s bodies). Loves freedom of religion as long as it’s Christianity - you’re free to be as Christian as you want but none of that other stuff.

Chaffetz has made it abundantly clear that he is a Republican before he is an American.

Then stop bringing her up. You seem obsessed. It’s not healthy.

I would watch them... fight each other.

Canada? Mexico?

I’m an excellent shot.

“Repeal ObamaCare! But let me stay on the ACA!”

The thing you’re leaving out Alex, is that the GOP is party over country. These people are Republicans first and Americans second. Or in the case of Pence “I’m a Christian, conservative and Republican in that order.” No mention of being an American or a patriot.

Trump is taking a hardline against China. Trump is more than willing to put boots on the ground in the middle east - and commit war crimes. He said this, it cannot be denied.

Arizona Bay.