
Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

And a reminder - in some cities, like NYC, Airbnb can be quite illegal, done by landlords because it’s more profitable than leasing their apartments, without any of the services that hotels provide. Like security. Like not being able to know if the previous ‘tenant’ made a copy of the keys.

VW should bring back the Bug as a RWD short range commuter car. They could price it inexpensively due to using less batteries and could call it the “Lightning Bug”

The video says ‘check out the full article for the rest’ - ... where is the full article?

The worst thing I ever did was when my kids were 3 and 4. If they didn’t want to do something I wanted them to do, like go to bed, I’d say, well, why don’t we just flip a coin. Heads I win, tails you lose. That worked well for a few months, but when they finally caught on, they were really pissed.

For a minute there I thought it was a new Lexus

I doubt that Mercedes meant it that way. The greed is from the companies that hire drivers and refuse to pay them enough to keep them on the job. The independent contractor bullshit also gives the drivers no security, and low pay + no job security = everyone who can work elsewhere telling the employers to eat shit.

So, don’t use your shed.

Put yourself in the same situation as this guy and you would’ve hit the wheel too. Not only is this obstacle completely unexpected, but there wasn’t even enough time to process it and make a decision on what inputs to give to the bike. The only real option was to hit it.

Yes. In fact at some stations, it doesn’t even have to be the other side of the same pump. My assumption is that the pipe/hose from the main underground tank to the row of pumps isn’t sized right to allow all pumps to flow at a max rate. So once the max flow through the main pipe is reached, the more people pumping

I couldn’t stand Trump and I’m not expecting hard hitting political journalist from Kotaku, so nothing against this article or anything. (I know it’s just in good fun) But this is such a great example of what the next 4 years in the media is going to look like for Biden.

Shit, I was not actually prepared for that. I think it may be the fugliest interior design I’ve ever seen- and I frequent McMansion Hell. Even minus the mounds of ugly Christmas crap, you can still tell there’s a nightmare underneath. The fake flowers/plants alone.

I like eating/drinking out as much as the next person, but it’s just not worth it. Over the summer, we found a place that was as ideal as it got: Outdoor, genuinely spaced, with next to zero staff interaction (order from bartender at a respectable distance, bartender puts food/drink on the bar and steps away as you

I think it depends on the amount of work. For example, I installed a charging plug at my parents house within their garage, but the panel was right there and it was super easy. However I paid an electrician to install an EV charging plug at my house because the cable needed to run across the house, through a finished

The only difference between 120v and 240v is the amperage of the breaker, gauge of the wire, and size of the plug...

This is so laughably convoluted!  People do this?!

The Cybertruck makes the Cybertruck look like an angular silver turd. 

I was not prepared to be this impressed.

I just keep my $200ks in little wads tucked into the pockets of my back-of-the-closet/don’t-know-when-I’ll-wear-these-again tuxedos for safe keeping.