
I’m all for choosing to be at an airport if that’s your thing, but the unavoidable (or very-expensive-to-avoid) 12-hour layovers from 11pm to 11am in that country where you didn’t get the right visa to leave the fun. All the airport entertainment will be closed, and there’s no comfortable place to sleep.

Agree, I would have chosen to flip the color scale. By the way, this looks like a population density map...

There’s also a start-up developing a reversible essentially a male birth control:

If you don’t fit into a coach seat, it’s time to pay for more space. I paid to have a seat that reclines, and recline I will.

That’s to simulate acceleration and deceleration...

My wife is also looking for work, though she's limited to a small job market because of where I work - ~30,000 person town. She speaks three languages fluently, but this talent isn't in high demand in our area. What are the best ways to find jobs that require language but allow a work-from-home arrangement, and what

Did this in graduate school. Turned out really badly. The workplace awkwardness, however, provided great motivation to get my work done and finish my degree. Bonus - if you meet and marry your wife shortly after the workplace relationship ends (as I did), you find you have additional motivation from the home front