Optimistic Prime

When I was a theist I believed in evolution, at least guided evolution. The problem is a lot of churches think even that doesn't jive with the Bible, so it must be of the devil.

Is it just me, or are they all maniacally wringing their hands?

They know where I work!!

Wow! Not expecting depictions of rape on the cover!

I actually like the idea of having them do all the shopping and just picking it up later. Saves me the hassle of finding good prices on all the stuff lost.

NOTE: There's another eyebrow-raiser on the back of that Call of Duty box. "Offline play enabled." Gee, Call of Duty people, why'd you need to tell us that? Since when can't you play part of a CoD offline? Was anyone expecting the game to be online-only?

Good to know it's my recollection that's fuzzier than the GC. :P

It certainly looks sharper, but how much of that is due to the GC version being played on a HDTV trying to upscale a standard signal? I don't remember the game being so fuzzy, but I was playing on a standard TV with a tube and all in 4:3 rather than 16:9.

Probably pictures of adult genitalia.

I don't think it was just drawing penis, but probably sending 3D Weiner pics.

Said the irresponsible parent. It's a parent's job to at least have a modicum of knowledge about what their fucking kids are doing. If you can't handle the responsibility, don't reproduce.

They've been using it on 360 for a while now, so it's not that radically different. I think that's why I took to Win8 so easily- too much time on XBox...

I just don't get school zones. It seems kids don't walk to school anymore, they are almost all dropped off at the door. That, and why is the zone enforced during times they should be in class? I would understand 7-9 and 2-4, but 9-2 is silly. No turn on red is just as bad too.

Just putting this out there... Commercial operators are prohibited from any electronic distraction- texting, talking, etc.

I actually enjoyed Shanks in the role. Mostly for the nostalgia of Dr. Jackson also being an Egyptologist and all, but what the hell. :)

I have tithed, you could even say religiously. All it did was move hard earned money to the pockets of people who didn't need it.

Thank you! I've been telling my wife this for years!

That's well and good if you actually have some money. I've seen way too many people who don't have a pot to piss in let alone keep the lights on and food on the table but still give the tithe first. Meanwhile the preacher is living high off the hog.

Savings Is for People Who Lack Faith

Even post apocalypse there's damned orange barrels everywhere...