Optimistic Prime

And start taking your glaucoma drops!

He could've been the only Doctor that didn't need a new actor for each regeneration.

It's funny because the guy tried to get help from Zynga, who was useless. In turn he gave useless advice out of frustration because he was inundated with what most people would've considered spam.

It won't let me have them say "Hi dupa," but I can make them say really filthy stuff by adding "in bed" to the end. :P

Play online with other people, trade fruits, etc. It's not a traditional game, but it can hook you for a good amount of time. I played the last one for the full year!

Remember when you had to camp out to get commenter privileges on Kotaku? Mario remembers.

As great as that would be, I don't think you could register it in those states unless you reside there.

I don't think talking to animals and doing their bidding is something most of us do in real life. :P

I can't believe I seem to be the only one that see's a power suit from the Fallout universe...

They should've kept the flying penis' from earlier in the movie... That's one hell of a way to get sent to the phantom zone.

The UPS guy (or FedEx guy for that matter) is more likely to drop it if it's heavy than if it's really light. I speak from years of experience in these matters.

Don't be afraid to try everything. I got a badass "kilt" by trying the skirt.

Don't forget it isn't just insurance or mortgage rates tied to the score, but your ability to work and pay off your debts. Unfortunately credit ratings are used in screening job applicants.

Good call. Thought I saw it, but it was just a speck of dirt on the monitor.

It's there. See the little circle, it has an R in it- registered TM.

Just about every shape/symbol has been used negatively at some point in time. Many more atrocities were done under the cross or crescent than any other symbol in history, but we don't fear them.

Truth be told most "satanists" are BS. Usually they're kids rebelling against their parents and tend to grow out of it. I've met people of all sorts of faiths and creeds, but haven't met a satanist since high school.

He just may, I never asked. He wears a sweater. His name is Dave. ;)

I swear this is exactly what my TiVo looks like.