Optimistic Prime

Don't be putting down goats now. My best friend is a goat with "666" upon his head. :P

I didn't even notice the orientation, though on the ground you only need to move a few degrees to "invert" it. ;)

Surprised I didn't already see this in the comments, but pentagrams aren't Satanic. Many pagans use them in their rituals.

Could be old asbestos tiles. Likely not, but they could be.

Use a PC in conjunction with your Xbox! I use my PC to record OTA broadcasts and my 360 as a WMC extender to watch them on the TV. It's a great setup and relatively cheap.

Not true. I just didn't get the movie at all, but I do believe in evolution. Maybe if I was stoned it would make sense.

Better have my money!

Needs better trigger discipline.

Beat me to it!

Yes and no. If it was a where the people are map, there would be a lot more in LA but there aren't a whole lot there.

Nevermind, didn't realize this wasn't the racist map... That one makes more sense.

Only one reason this isn't redder than a baboon's ass- people around here just can't work those newfangled computers, phones, etc.

1994 wasn't a very good year. For ties that is.

Double Rainbow! What does it mean? What does it mean?

The farm team's mascot is a bit worse. (To be fair, the Kinston Indians are no more, now they're mudcats. Super offensive to catfish everywhere ;) )

It's just old-timey. I've heard my grandfather use it, and that's about it. Here's a pretty thorough list.

Because capes are just awesome! I'd wear one if I could get away with it.

I didn't believe it. ;)

I'm amazed I haven't seen a single comment that puts the blame where it's deserved, on the kid himself. Secondary blame on poor parenting. The rifle has as much blame as a video game- nil, zero, zip, zilch, nada. They are both inanimate objects that have no will of their own. The kid on the other hand does have

Just to play devil's advocate here... What happens when the battery dies? If your weapon can't validate you, but you are in need of it, you would be S-O-L.