
My company is super hush-hush about what peoples’ salaries are and it is very entwined with the culture (I’ve worked here two years and the only salary I know besides mine is the person who reports directly to me). I was in a meeting with HR this morning and the HR manager was talking about discrimination and she

Indeed. I also just love any mention of The Babadook, which is one of the best movies I’ve seen in 5 years.

That’s obviously not a lady ghost. Where are the obvious breasts, lipstick, long eyelashes, and bow that designate things as the woman version of regular things?

How how how have I not heard vagenda yet

I would still let him climb into me. Wrapped of course. Unless he's on PrEP.

Dear @teencosmo:

Are you just refusing to write sports? Good enough for me. Gawker 2.0 built within the other properties.

It’s like (to a much lesser extent, obviously) the whole, “Rich, beautiful people have problems too!” Yes, absolutely. Rich, beautiful people have plenty of problems. They just don’t have the problems that come from not being rich or beautiful.

I’m not going to watch that video because just the thought of it makes me sick.

Republican men don’t think women face obstacles because THEY ARE THE OBSTACLE.

Rescued the woman? Check. Got the dog? Check. Looked super hot while doing so? Check check check. I mean, goddamn, look at those cheekbones. Someone give this kid a tv show.

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

It's a lot of work. I can understand taking a year off. By the time fall comes I'm kind of relieved to put it all to bed. Gotta say though, I truly can not stand store bought tomatoes now. Everything tastes better when you grow it but tomatoes especially.

Don’t listen to this nonsense! I just poured my heart into a peach cobbler for an end of summer BBQ we’re attending in a few hours. I never get to bake huge things for our little family so I NEED potlucks to act out my baking fantasies. Ohhh...the elaborate cake I would bake for your birthday...

What is truly frightening is that these sexist and racist headlines and comments are not made to be intentionally malicious. Most people, even if they are internal scumbag bigots, will closet their demons for their professions. Nobody WANTS to be on the wrong end of these and having to make apologies and retractions.

I mean, snake hips

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.

I remember one guy who told me “You’re the first girl I’ve ever had sex with” and I was like...whhaaaat? Because this dude was a notorious penetrator and I personally knew a few women he had intercoursed.

We’re all in this together.

I’m so glad someone else noticed that.