
I’m horrified! I wish the organization had had someone check items before passing them along to the needy person. Thank god she has you!

What the hell is wrong with this entire thread? There’s this weird idea out there that the poor/homeless should only ever get super practical things... if anyone deserves a super fancy dinner it’s them. I run a Meals on Wheels and if anyone ever called me up and was like I want to serve foie gras and caviar to your

And let’s be honest, does anyone actually like truffle? Rich people pretend to because it’s fancy and expensive, but it actually tastes like garbage, so.

Munster Cheese.

This brings to mind Andrea from 90210.

I think the fact that it’s an unemployed, broke-ass, leech has the nerve to pull some incestuous fuck-boy shit to the girl paying his car note.

There was no reason to think that Obama was a communist, or a Muslim. Anyone saying that was grossly misinformed, and making an unreasonable statement.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

Open question for folks: where’s a good place to get started? What I can do to make some difference? More specifically, what can I do to help prevent some godawful, hell-blasted future straight out of Terminator II?

To be fair as well, i think posts like this one are important and need to be reiterated. Please keep on fighting hamno, you’re my only hope

Almost anyone would be an upgrade from Penn, for sure. Seth seems alright. He’s kind of cute, the Cleveland show is sometimes funny. IDK.

Although Penn’s mean tweets are the funniest because they are all so true.
“Sean Penn, you rude! Dumb, rude, and full of farts. You stanky Sean, real time stanker.”

and my

Good for Seth...she’s an order of magnitude out of his league.

Ha ha, this past Thanksgiving weekend, I had the privilege of taking two separate four hour car rides, one with each parent, each of them intent on swaying me to their side. “Your mother uses drugs!” “I wish I’d married that National Geographic photographer!” I was about ready to divorce both cars from the road.

The Confederacy was absolutely about slavery, period, no matter how many times you guys try to revise history.

I see them here in California. The first time I saw it was a year ago on the Fourth of July. I don’t see a lot of them, but maybe a few times a month. Always young white guys in pickups with big wheels and the chassis jacked up (don’t know my truck terminology, sorry) and a big confederate flag flying from the truck

You’re doing the Lord’s work.

He picks things up and puts them down.

One morning, I got dressed upstairs and tried to go downstairs but there was a snake wrapping his ass around the handrail. So I NOPED my ass back upstairs, called in sick to work, and called 47 people to come save me. One mother fucker showed up. God bless Kyle. And fuck all those macho dudes who pretended they didn’t

I think this cat adores him so much, though, that it is extra careful around him. Seriously, if you watch his videos with his cats, you will note this cat’s love, affection, and bond to him are amazing. My use of the word love here is not hyperbole. This cat thinks this guy is one special cat.

He has three other cats! They are the center of his cat rapping life!!