I could’ve sworn I was watching FIFA 98 intro
I could’ve sworn I was watching FIFA 98 intro
karma isn’t given down from generation to generation to generation to generation.
We get it, youre either a triggered woman with self image issues or youre a neckbeard that thinks the white knight act will get you laid if u point out dumb feminist nonsense enough. But please for the sake of the planet keep your thoughts inside your head.
Why are you shaming women that wear revealing clothing. She can wear whatever she likes. Don’t be so 1950's.
And why do people have to complain at something as simple as a costume design? Are you female? did her exposed mid drift trigger you?
Fuck Hope Solo.
In fact an American won against a Bahamean runner via this method in the last Olympics. In the end, no one cares how you got on the podium.
No call, no stop. Honestly this “unwritten rules” type nonsense needs to stop. It’s bad enough we have all that shitty and incessant arguing over “the right way” to play baseball.
Especially from a team that, based on what I saw from them in the group phase, played a predominantly counter-attack based game, which essentially means parking the bus and forcing the opponent to rise up.
Basically said they parked the bus. Not sure if that’s exactly “cowardice.”
1) The Swedes were foolish in expecting the US to play the ball out of bounds because we’d done a similarly unsporting thing in a less tense situation earlier in the game;
the USWNT has been kicked out of a major international tournament before the semifinal stage
Because in terms of consistency it makes no logical sense. The Empire, who use a homogeneous force for ease of supply and production, suddenly having lots of one-off design tanks, armour, and weapons makes no sense as a result.
No thanks, I want the pink elephant
I think she is hotter without the makeup, especially in the case of the last 2 photos. Let your natural beauty shine! Don’t let anyone tell you that you NEED makeup.
as long as they aren’t bort operators
Little note for you all. This poster is a weeb living Japan who thinks being foriegn makes him special despite having zero personality.
Or be killed by a cavalry charge.