It’s so interesting how privilege dynamics and representation create two very different realities.
It’s so interesting how privilege dynamics and representation create two very different realities.
The messages were coming from the basement!!!!
at least these Scots controlled their own destiny when it came to leaving Europe
man the only info i can find about that model is videos from ali express and reddit threads, i think there is some potentially great journalism beyond reviews that could come out of looking into several of the knock off models.
You can now close the comments. This is the one and only one needed. Someone please get this man a chicken dinner, ASAP.
“A movie like this has to at least get to like $500 million worldwide, and that’s probably low.”
I assume Clover knew the correct answer as she set up the quiz, but accidentally mis-clicked when marking it, or some such thing.
I was almost about to loop through this test 30 or so times until I found the correct incorrect one. Thank you. sin(pi/2) is 1, dangit. I’m a software engineer that does analytics development for a living, so this was really bugging me something crazy.
Sega was never, ever what Nintendo is and that path led to the original company not even existing anymore.
I agree, referencing iconic films like the seventh seal and influential music videos is a far cry from copying the styling and dance moves of an 80s European experimental dance project. Just give credit, how hard is that?
Your joking right? If your actually serious you need to go get your eyes checked cause that character model looks like shit, especially the head, face, eyes and hair
Great accomplishment and congrats to her, but this is my favorite track and field video:
So it was good enough not to get canceled after a partial season unlike Firefly ? ;)
So it was good enough not to get canceled after a partial season unlike Firefly ? ;)
He wrote, idiotically, in the comment section of a soccer-specific blog.
The J.J. Trek-verse has made it it’s business to shit all over what Roddenberry built since their first reboot effort. Why would they stop now?
Obviously only an American only can be this stupid to not know the difference between football and futsal and call it soccer. BTW it’s football and not soccer, just like you guys were British outcasts and now wanna be British. :)
Why not just use Hispanic instead or just Latin?
Why did you reaplace the a in Latinas with an x?