
In a world where there are people who actively enjoy Senran Kagura series for being so pervy, this is nothing. This is just an indie take on "anime Hitman"; and plenty of people enjoy Hitman. Hitman's a great series.

Don't make me come down there...

LOL! Can you believe these kids?

Yeah. Michael Collins got you there.

Were you saying something?

That's nice, dear.

Are you assuming that all men want to look like a piece of shit muscular meat head? That's not my fantasy.

I guess every kid has that character that they identify with, and that helps her navigate a confusing world, whether it's Wonder Woman or Harry Potter.


You had a female president 25 years ago, and we in the US are still acting like that would be a huge, shocking step. Abortion is only one piece of the puzzle.

You're looking at a speedometer clearly labeled in kilometers per hour and can't figure out why the odometer might not be in miles?

Did anyone else reading this list feel like they were reading a feminist Utopian novel from the 60s?

I totally agree with Luke on this one. Agent Carter suuuuuuuuuucks.

Maybe they're just big fans of moving diagonally?

God, I cannot wait for this team to lose.

THANK you. Though I'd say less it's less impressive to me because I'm supposed to be more so simply because she's a girl. Did women care when a man did it? Were they impressed? Doubt it. They'd have scoffed and said "boys and their toys". Some of us don't see a divide between what guy's can do and what women can do.

Kotaku giving us a taken down video.

Every other one of her pictures sexualizes and sorta demotes her to just "tee hee I'm a girl" and you're surprised that men lower themselves to their lowest common denominator?

Meanwhile in the rest of the world...