In a world where there are people who actively enjoy Senran Kagura series for being so pervy, this is nothing. This is just an indie take on "anime Hitman"; and plenty of people enjoy Hitman. Hitman's a great series.
In a world where there are people who actively enjoy Senran Kagura series for being so pervy, this is nothing. This is just an indie take on "anime Hitman"; and plenty of people enjoy Hitman. Hitman's a great series.
Yeah. Michael Collins got you there.
Are you assuming that all men want to look like a piece of shit muscular meat head? That's not my fantasy.
You had a female president 25 years ago, and we in the US are still acting like that would be a huge, shocking step. Abortion is only one piece of the puzzle.
You're looking at a speedometer clearly labeled in kilometers per hour and can't figure out why the odometer might not be in miles?
Did anyone else reading this list feel like they were reading a feminist Utopian novel from the 60s?
Maybe they're just big fans of moving diagonally?
God, I cannot wait for this team to lose.
THANK you. Though I'd say less it's less impressive to me because I'm supposed to be more so simply because she's a girl. Did women care when a man did it? Were they impressed? Doubt it. They'd have scoffed and said "boys and their toys". Some of us don't see a divide between what guy's can do and what women can do.…
Every other one of her pictures sexualizes and sorta demotes her to just "tee hee I'm a girl" and you're surprised that men lower themselves to their lowest common denominator?