
I have a degree in history (for whatever that's worth). I saw this movie, despite knowing the ending, because movies are often entertaining. Didn't particularly enjoy 300 (Gladiator is much better and highly recommended), but some of the implicated charges against it here are… interesting.

It's my experience that there is no thread that cannot be hijacked by some random political comment. Not new to Trump; outside of the AV Club, for years, everywhere I went I'd find people taking digs at Obama for the most random and unrelated reasons.

I get it. If I were in charge of the AV Club, I might even make a similar decision. It's just… I don't want to talk about this shit everywhere. Though I recognize at this point that's more my issue than anything else.

I've been one of the people lamenting AV Club's descent from intelligent pop culture site to generic political sheet, but O'Neal is really trying to bridge the gap here, and I appreciate the effort.

I can't imagine reaching the point where I could wind up suing LeVar Burton over using Reading Rainbow IP…

I kind of find the idea of "canonically terrible music" fascinating. Are people listening to these bands and all independently reaching the conclusion that, yeah, these are shit bands (whose popularity at the time is accounted to… bad drug trips?) Or is something else going on?

You may have spent time talking to libertarians (or not), read books (or not), but you still don't know what you're talking about. You may have heard things from my "ilk" (though I wouldn't trust you to know; you hardly know me, and most of the things you've claimed to be true of libertarians are not true of me… so I

Once again, I don't know who you're talking about or who you've talked to in the past, but you're talking to me right now, and I'm not talking about "how we need to get guns because 'the animals are coming'." I certainly do care about the freedoms of people who are neither white nor male nor rich.

You're right that I don't oppose capitalism. I also wouldn't agree that it's an authoritarian ideology. But maybe we understand "capitalism" differently?

I don't know who you're talking about, or who you've talked to in the past, but I can tell you that I'm a libertarian — and I've known many other libertarians, too — and we're not pretending when we say that we stand opposed to authoritarian ideologies such as Fascism and Communism.

Oh, and hey, as an actual libertarian, if you'd ever like to discuss anything, I'm game to talk.

I don't disagree that diversity is good, generally speaking, but lack of diversity isn't proof of discrimination. If the NBA hires solely on the basis of competence, then it won't necessarily be 50/50 men/women (or equate to racial population percentages either). Those populations are not equally competent.

Hmmm… some themes that I've loved include The Prisoner, The Greatest American Hero, and three out of four of the Death Note themes.

"Full confidence" is a tall order, but when shows come out on FX, I'm inclined to give them a try.

While I understand this is intentionally hideous… I kind of want to see it…

I don't agree with the reviewer's take: I don't think that Littlefinger was giving Sansa insight into how Cersei sees the world; I think he was sharing — maybe for one of the only times on the whole show — how he truly sees things, and how he's managed to survive. It is properly horrifying, but not completely

So, I understand that Maher's joke involves race — but is that the same thing as being racist? And maybe so, I grant. Maybe this is my ignorance speaking, besides which I've long considered myself a Bill Maher fan, so…

I don't think what Garfield said was all that odie-ous… but I guess insta-outrage is the new nermal.

A shame, but there are still plenty of comics vendors at Comic-Con, and I can't imagine that they would all go away. (One dropping out would make it easier for others to be profitable, I'd suppose.)

I'm not convinced of that, complaints on Twitter notwithstanding. But it's okay (with me) if we finally disagree on that point: frankly my own mind isn't made up about it. I still don't think a handful of angry Tweets deserves coverage, even here. I think people need to push back against that kind of mindless dreck.