
It is a pop culture site, or at least it used to be. A television show fucked up? Eh, I don't know that it did. I know some people got pissed on Twitter. But you know what? Some people always do. That doesn't make it worth writing about, even for a pop culture site.

What is literally what the article is about? "White people's ignorance"? Or a category on Jeopardy? I still don't get where you're coming from, and I swear I'm trying. Are you saying that the question writers (who are white maybe? I don't have that info; do you?) on Jeopardy didn't know what "stay woke" meant in the

All right. You've responded. I'm going to make a good faith effort in return, then, but the first thing is: I don't know how what you've just written relates to what I'd written.

I took a little time to think about my reply (and whether I should reply at all). I don't remember whether we've spoken before, but I've seen you around. Usually it seems to me that you're dropping little one or two sentence attacks against others, maybe to provoke fights/troll, maybe to scratch your own emotional

But what if — and I know this is crazy — but what if using a word originally used by black people is not "stealing from them," but how language always has worked and always will work, all around the world, for all of human history?

It's amazing to me when I look at the news how many articles are some variant of "here are a few people on Twitter upset about something!" This is news now. It's what we spend our time thinking about and getting upset about and arguing about.

Now I want Paul Harvey and the Rest of the Story…

Perhaps, but thinking back, I seem to recall at least ONE English/Filipino/French little person who was also a famous actor…

Come On, Eileen.

Nice answers. Name five hundred more male writers.

When you suggest that we probably disagree on many (or most) important matters, I'm certain you're right…

For whatever reason, your response to me didn't show up in my Disqus feed; my apologies for the delay in responding.


They are sincere! :)

If I felt I understood goat fucking (though what's to understand, I guess?) to the point where I could criticize it, maybe I would, but I would still do so in something like a respectful fashion. Regardless, in my experience thus far on this board, virtually none of the people who "criticize" Objectivism have a

Oh that's not true at all, lol. There are plenty of Objectivists who are quite enthusiastic about purging heretics from the community, to the extent that they are able; Objectivists who, in my opinion, took rather the wrong lessons from Rand, et al. But for as many such Objectivists as there are, there are also a few

LOL, well, agree to disagree that it is "so incredibly stupid." :) But that's okay, if you don't want to debate or learn new things, I'm not here to force any of that on you. It's the insulting nature of your comment that inspired me to respond the way I did, I guess. It seems to me to be unnecessary malice — the kind

Hmm, I'm not exactly sure what you're driving at, to be honest, but I don't think we can (or should strive to) "live our lives completely and ideally untrammeled from the beliefs and feelings and practices of others of our species." I do believe, however, that we ought not pass laws against things like, say, eating

The treatment of horses is perhaps a separate issue from whether people should be allowed to slaughter/consume them at all (just as the treatment of cows is a separate issue from whether we ought to be able to make hamburgers).

Objectivist political theory is somewhat more nuanced than "telling people what they can & can't do," other AV Clubber's opinions notwithstanding, but it happens that I completely agree with you about copyright. I believe most forms of IP law are wrong. It's one of my major disagreements with Rand (and the majority,