
I think I’ve read the first 3 of 4 books in the Musketeers books. Those are fantastic. I love the way he plays with the characters in the sequels. They truly feel worthwhile, and since he puts all of this historical fiction on the outskirts of it, it also always has this feeling of perhaps having taken place. He

So, is this you at maximum clever? These are not quips to be particularly proud of.

I hear that.

Blaine is a pain, and that’s the truth.

This is what concerns me about the second half. There’s not enough story. Most of the adult half is about them remembering the kid half

Thanks for doing that, so I wouldn’t feel so compelled to.

What an interesting mix of elements this project has.

I don’t hate it.

Back in 2004, when blogs were still a thing that people did, I had a blog. One night I wrote a long-ish entry on why I thought Rodney Dangerfield was the only modern comedian on par with Chaplin and Keaton. When I finished writing it, for the hell of it I went to Rodney’s web site and sent him a link to the post. (To

North Koreans have suffered for generations under some of the worst civil rights oppression in the world. Trump isn’t the right person to take them on, but SOMETHING needs to be done.

I’m going to guess that in the end people will refer to it as DIS, similar to Voyager which isn’t called STV but VOY and Enterprise isn’t STE but ENT.

How? how is it dumb? they quoted the exact line they disagreed with and then proceeded to write their opinion...they didn’t criticize or insult the writer in anyway...

I’m aching for Rage, but that will never happen.

I just adore all the fat-shaming here. I mean, we all know the fatties are inherently evil, right? And that when someone does something disgusting, their body/appearance totally have everything to do with it.

Y’all sound like a bunch of mean fucking fifth-graders. Hate this dude for being a pervy lech. His body has

Lol yeah ugly people are inherently bad

I loved this story. I think it’s one of King’s strongest - dark, character-driven, and playing around with questions about guilt and family. Really didn’t picture Thomas Jane as the main character (seems like more of a Michael Shannon type) but he’s a solid choice.

When people do the right thing, I tend to give credit where credit is due. McCain is voting against the wishes of his party, the governor of his state, and his best friend. This was no doubt a difficult decision, given his circumstances and politics, but it’s also a hugely consequential decision that will benefit tens

Great story. Love all four stories in that book. King is a national treasure.

Now playing

I’m sure most people on this site have their tired “old man yells at cloud” memes already queued up, but he’s got a point. I actually do think political correctness has some value in how we go about social interactions and treat other people... but keep it the hell away from comedy, because I wanna laugh. Comedy

Mel is right. Oh, no, “jokes that not only mock, but occasionally invoke, harmful stereotypes!”