Roger Murdock

They’re paid shit for the job. Consequently, all the people willing to take the job are shitty people who suck and life and take it out on you.

If a single piece of food was acquired from outside the car or if anyone peed outside the vehicle, there’s room for improvement. Seems like the pinnacle would be having some of those support people waiting at the pumps to fill your tank asap. Those pit stops COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR PACE PLEASE JUST GET BACK IN THE CAR

The film’s narrative directly ties intelligence acquired from enhanced interrogation to the courier that eventually led to Osama bin Laden, which is BS.

Surprised that Short Term 12 hasn’t made it on many end-of-decade lists. Did you consider it at all?

Zero Dark Thirty was decried by some at the time as pro-torture propaganda”

I would guess the story was submitted before all this shit went down

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

It’s what I’m expecting until about a week after the Series ultimately ends, win or lose.

It’s a tough call, but I think the most factually dishonest part of this column may be the attack on the Caps and their fans.

Yes it’s real shitty that Ovechkin does photo ops with Putin and reposts Russian jingoistic garbage on Instagram (which if that’s the xenophobic bar for being cancelled, how many generations of

I have yet to see a critique of DC from a non-DMV person that actually realistically represents this town. It’s always tainted with biases against the politicians who everyone else is sending here! If DC is the worst it’s because ya’ll are sending your worst to us. To the “celebs and rich people are buying the

Exactly.  As someone who lives here and has actually been to games, this dude is way off base. 

Finally, a Charles Pierce article I could read without subscribing... and it’s potentially the most bitter drivel I’ve ever consumed.

I’m a private-sector, born-and-bred Washingtonian, a Nats fan since they crossed the border, and I know many people (true, wonderful, actual local fans) that will be in attendance

Camden Yards is beautiful.  It’s a shame there’s no major league team to use it. 

I get it, but DO NOT DO THIS. DC is an actual place where actual humans live. Not just the cartoon characters you are talking about. 


Yes, also your child will be The Stallion That Mounts the World.