
Microblading perhaps?

My soon to be ex and I are getting a divorce mostly due to his depression. He refused to get help or try ANY sort of therapy or treatment for 3 years, a relationship can only survive for so long under those sort of conditions!

When I was 9 and my sister was 7 my parents moved us from a suburbish area to the country to live on 10 acres of land in the forest bordered by a field. After building a house and moving in, my parents started making a garden. In the process of tilling up the ground we kept finding bones. Cow bones. As we were

I grew up on PEI, and my entire (large) extended family live there. Impromptu PEI AMA!!!! ;)

Tony Buffington, that is an example of positive punishment not negative reinforcement!

No one said we didn't have time, just that we were too tired!!

We were WAY too tired. Wedding was an awesome day, we danced until 1 am and then went to our favorite bar and continued the drinking with friends and family until 3am. We went back to our room, got into t-shirts and underwear, counted all the money and read all the cards we got from our guests and passed the fuck out!

Can I share a friends story? My BFF had just started hair stylist school in another province about 2-3 hours away from her boyfriend. She and her boyfriend had been dating since they were 14, so for about 5 years at this point. He really didn't want to live in the city with her, so he would travel back and forth to

I am totally making this for dinner!

That comment gif combo just made my day!

Oh you American's and your Keebler goodies! One of my roommates was from Massachusetts and his mom used to send him care packages that were entirely boxes of keebler cookies!

Right! I LOVE s'mores! So much so that we make them in the microwave (in the winter) all the time! The key is using cadbury milk chocolate and placing the chocolate on one graham cracker and putting it on a rock close to the fire, then it softens slightly. I am totally making some this weekend!!! So excited!

My gynocologist said that iuds + menstrual cups are fine (as did my sisters diff gyno),. So I don't think there is a clear right or wrong on that one. She dis say if I was worried just to make sure to break the suction before removing, but that is necessary anyhow if you want to avoid the slight pain of pulling out a

Or if you have IBS.... Not a good time.

Just wanted to add, if anyone wants to read an AMAZING fictional re-telling of Noah's Ark that is TOTALLY fucked up you should read Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findlay. It is one of my favorite books.

My cousin was pregnant and didn't know it, she could be on one of the TLC specials! She was 16, had horrendous stomach cramps, her mother forces her to go to the hospital because she thinks she is dying, turns out she is in labor and didn't even know she was pregnant! She ended up with a healthy baby boy, which is

I have IBS, my life would consist of sitting on the toilet half of my life without Immodium, and without caffeine I would constantly be in walking around half asleep. HOW CAN ONE CHOOSE WHEN YOU NEED IMMODIUM TO EVEN INGEST CAFFEINE!

Yes, this trick is golden! Anything stainless steel will work. I just rub my hands all over my sink itself!

Agreed. I have IBS and my internalist told me I shouldn't even chew gum with Xylitol in it!

Except I am pretty sure Xylitol can have a "mild laxative effect" depending on how much you ingest, so be careful with that ice cream!