Ahhhh! I want a corgi puppy SO BAD. Why do they have to be so expensive?!?! :(
Ahhhh! I want a corgi puppy SO BAD. Why do they have to be so expensive?!?! :(
Someone needs to do a meta-analysis of the literature on this topic. Then we would have some dependable statistics.
He is a bad-ass. I love him. That is all.
All these underwear do is make me laugh, and simultaneously wince. I can't imagine how they would be erotically stimulating, all I can picture is feeling like your ladyparts and ass are being cleaved in half! Plus Bracli, is this pronounced like Broccoli? If so this makes it even MORE hilarious.
Exactly. I am a millennial and I played outside my entire childhood. Forts in the woods, tag, hide and seek, bike races, collecting various bugs and tadpoles.. etc.
So hilarious. But also makes me happy that I have a dog. Yay that my husband has allergies?!
Agreed. He is absolutely awful. When he was on Oprag, I loved hum. He explained complex health concepts in a way that not so bright people could understand. His show just shamelessly plugs terrible diet fads, and pseudoscience. Its absolutely ridiculous, and downright dangerous.
Nothing is better than different combinations of vinegar, water, dishsoap, and baking soda. My fav essential oils are peppermint and eucalyptus. Okay, so I mislead you, those are the only essential oils I have, but I really want to buy some more! I make my own laundry detergent and I put the peppermint oil in that.
That is lovely to hear! I currently live in Winnipeg, MB (I am going to grad school here), and I haven't been back to PEI in almost a year (The flights from Winnipeg, are crazy expensive, especially for a student). In a few weeks I am going back for almost a month, and I am SO EXCITED. I told my husband that I am…
I know that, so does my dad. He only picked it up to look it over and make sure it didn't get injured from the tiller, honestly it looked like the rabbit was pushed out from under the tiller. Once he had already touched it and looked it over, he figured it was too late to worry about that.
Housing is cheap as heck. Land around the water / ocean can be really expensive, but you can get it for a decent price if you haggle and look around. Personally I don't think it would be worth it to live right on the ocean because 1) PEI has an erosion problem, and you will have to rock in your shoreline... and it…
I grew up in Prince Edward Island, Canada. If you know anything about PEI, you know it is tiny, rural, and it consists of beaches, forests, and fields (that's it). My parent's home is in the middle of the woods, and we grew up seeing many rabbits, squirrels, coyotes, raccoons etc. Once time, my dad was tilling the…
Laura. This made my day. In all seriousness. My face hurts.
I am a grad student studying Applied Behaviour Analysis, so I see so many kids who really need behavioural therapy, but are on waitlists and in the meantime they are on meds that make them zombies and don't even reduce or remedy any of their problematic symptoms.
I understand your concerns, my area of research is Applied Behaviour Analysis, so I essentially research behavioural techniques and therapies, how to use them and modify them so they are the most effective, as well as the behavioural mechanisms and theories behind such therapies.
May I ask why you you don't like that Asperger's will be put under the ASD's? I just ask because I do research on Autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities, and everyone always considers Asperger's a milder form of Autism. They are considered related disorders, just on opposite ends of the spectrum, so it…
I agree 100%. Another alternative: patients actually see a clinical psychologist, then a psychiatrist. GP's administering medications for mental health issues makes me SO RAGEY. They have like a week of mental health training, and they almost never do the weekly-biweekly followups necessary to adjust medications to…
It is uncanny how attracted I am to men who play instruments. Most of my previous boyfriends played various instruments. My husband plays classical guitar and trombone *swoon* I always figured I found it attractive because I grew up in a musical family and play multiple instruments myself... but apparently I just want…
Yaay for the demise of the super high heels! My feet start hurting after 15 minutes in those suckers. Shorter high heels are the bomb!