
When I had to write the GREs I had to do that stupid paragraph in cursive and it took me 15-20ish minutes. I am 24, and hadn't written in cursive since elementary/middle school. I was super embarrassed.

I got married with about $4000 (for EVERYTHING) and that was with 85 guests, a sit down reception, and dance. You can totally do it if you want to (though honestly I think it was more work trying to have a cheap wedding than a more expensive one).

I got married at 20 for the same reasons, plus I was (am) in love!!! Except my parents didn't disown me (I am so sorry that happened to you) , they are just hard working, low income people who couldn't help me pay for school (as were my husband's parents). I live in Canada, and once we got married my husband and I

+1 That makes sense to me!

Like LaComtesse said, brains are crazy crazy blobs of matter.

Patrona. You are the bomb. Just saying. I appreciate you taking the time to write all of that. For me, avoiding GMOs is about protecting the environment, not about the nutrients in the food itself.

All of the posts are making me SO ragey. It is so difficult to refrain from commenting on every post.


Not everyone who is opposed to GMOs think the plants themselves are dangerous to eat, this has neither been proven or disproven.


Well genetically modified organisms that Monsanto plants are engineered to withstand heavily sprayed pesticides. Some might argue that the organisms themselves are dangerous or not dangerous, this has neither been definitely proven or unproven.

Okay I am not a clean person... at all. But even I take apart the spatula to clean it... and the blender... Like my mom always says "Common sense isn't so common"

THAT is awful. I had chronic yeast infections for 2 years. Mine were treatable, they just always came back in a month. Plus it is expensive to treat those suckers! If I treated myself it was 2 packages of monistat to make it go away. When I went to the doctor they gave me a prescription, for 2 pills at $25 a pop. Ugh.

I am assuming she may have webmd'ed it, but then the doctor confirmed the diagnosis. I had kawasaki syndrome / disease, and most doctors have never heard of it. My mom went to 3 different doctors in our very small town before the 4th doctor, a pediatrician diagnosed me. He only recognized it because his own nephew had

SO AMUSING. But definitely more creepy than amusing... I have nightmares that look like this!



You live my life? Add cooking into the mix... except NONE of my fellow grad students can identify with the cooking...

We never did the crate over dead animals thing (though I wish we would have thought of it!). We moved into the middle of the woods next door to a farmers field. Apparently they would just drag dead cows into the woods and let them decompose, my sister and I found entire cow skeletons, as well as raccoons, rabbits,