
You’re all missing the joke!

If Grayson Allen was black, he wouldn’t be a starting guard for Duke (hey-oh!)

Well the fact that they left a seat open on the bench for weasel face and talked about how they felt his presence during his first missed game, tells me that maybe they’re really a bunch of clueless dolts who are helpless without their master.

Grayson’s just a thug with anger management issues.

Johnny, it’s not a crap story, it’s a pee story, jeez!

Go on, indulge! Even North Korea is trolling him:

Well apparently Trump prefers the taste of piss to Sprite, so I guess they’re safe.

I’m having fun over on Breitbart seeing whats going on there, I found Johnny who seems like a real catch! Great sense of humor on this one lol.

Fallon needs to take notes from Meyers or fuck off.

I believe she’d be better named as Kremlin Kelly.

She is such a c***, I can’t take it. Not at all eloquent comment on my part I know, but it’s how I feel.

Here, let me save Conway a lot of hot air and summarize:

Hey, it’s only worth as much as a sick and/or insane warm-up shot, maybe even less, you can’t quantify that shit.

I haven’t seen such a lackadasical approach to rim protection since senior prom.

rekt! lol

That was a great flop by Curry. I guess he’s been watching a lot of soccer lately.

Don Lemon should have been all over this.