
So the argument is that trucking should be inefficient for the sake of creating busywork?

Sorry if this comes across dick-ish but it’s entirely a serious question: Where is the line between mansplaining and a male simply explaining something to a female? I understand the more severe cases such as talking down or giving unwanted advice, but countless times online and in media I’ve seem the term used when it

Why isn’t it the same? Because he is a man and should enjoy when a woman pulls down his pants? Perhaps it was his fault for wearing sweatpants in the first play? She should face the same consequences that a man would if he pants a woman, plain and simple. 

Al Franken lost his seat on the senate for very very VERY much less than that. The #MeToo movement have painted themselves into a corner, arguing that mere juvenile, stupid, ill-advised (and often drunken) behavior is indistinguishable from being an actual sociopath predator.

She pulled down pants and underwear, penis was exposed.

She also kissed a male contestant on American Idol who said he’d never been kissed. No consent, no apology, just treated like a joke. That was his first kiss, damn it.

Fuckknuckle, what a fabulous word to describe the worst of the worst!

I love how republicans don’t want government intervention until it’s a Liberal private sector that they feel is mean to them. 

Nobody with a credit score of 620 should be looking to buy a $1,000 iPhone. I’m sure people with above average credit will have credit limits comparable to other credit cards. This article is a waste of time.

But don’t expect it to be your ticket to a bunch of new electronic toys if your credit history doesn’t sparkle.

This must be fake news. I mean, he’s Mexican, and according to our President, he must then be a rapist or a drug dealer or something, and everyone knows those guys don’t have time for physics equations.

I’m sorry for your loss but you’re an ignorant dumbass blinded by emotion.

an actual american killed my grandpa, why should i be okay with citizens living here, they must all be terrible because of my anecdote!

If you started a fight, and the person you attacked felt like they were in a life or death situation, and they decided to use a gun to stop you from say killing them, and your child is shot in the process - then yes, you deserve some of the blame for that child being shot. As the old saying goes - Don’t start shit,

Playing devil’s advocate (in this instance literally given my political views in contrast to the state of Alabama) take the pregnancy part out of this. If I’m out with my toddler and I pick a fight, just to make this clear cut, like it is absolutely clearly my fault, the altercation wouldn’t have happened if not for

Alabama recently passed a near-total ban on abortion, and it’s not unheard of for a woman to face jail time for miscarrying. While shocking, this case clearly delineates in the most gruesome terms what we already know: That women’s lives are not valued.

I keep this for just such occasions.



your recommendation would read so much better if you dropped the insufferable “become a grown up” shit