
I’d say while there is nothing objectively wrong with this article, it is also overly alarmist.  You can get away with almost everything in the article in moderation indefinitely with no problems.  The ones I would absolutely avoid would be fruit pits, bones, and raw meat.  Other than that, I’ve lived 40 years with

Its nice that its a glowing red flag of trolling at least.  As the article points out, using phrases like this are explicit admission that its not about the debate, its about getting a rise out of the other party.  I take that as an admission of defeat and intellectual inferiority. 

That looks like the exact same kind of failure as Zion’s, yes?

1) Its cute you think he’s not getting paid.

Why not just build tax brackets into capital gains? As a person saving for retirement, I don’t think my say $10k in capitol gains should be taxed more. Why not just implement brackets?

Lighten up Francis.

This is a terrible idea.  Let’s focus on actually taxing income for the ultra-wealthy and closing tax loopholes.  I’d love to see some real effective tax rates for people making $10M plus vs. someone making say $200k.  I bet the latter is paying a much higher effective rate due to lack of income diversity and

My office take the approach of acting like adults and telling people they’re being disruptive.  Novel concept I know.

My experience is that they are cheaper but not necessarily a better value. In fact I’d would I would not be surprised if the margin is much higher on kids menu items. I’ve been to nicer restaurants where the kids meal is literally Kraft box mac and cheese and Tyson chicken nuggets. There is no more than $2.50 worth of

S/he actually is kidding. Read the entire comment.

Apple can be mad that Facebook did a shitty work around to accomplish something they’ve asked them not to do already but not so mad as to nuke their apps. That’s like saying, “Oh, you’re mad at your wife for cheating? Did you kill her? No? Guess you’re not mad.”

In my car, at all times (save for when in-use), there is a full-sized spare, a two-ton floor jack, a gas can, some bottles of water (from 6 to 12, depending on how many I’ve drank), a roll of mechanic towels, a toolbox (with various screwdrivers, hammers, and other tools; no power tools) and wrench set, 2 3-foot 2x4

This is why I started using a CPA. The stakes got too high. I’m not humble bragging but I make about $250k and my wife makes about $175k. We don’t have tons of complex deductions and don’t own a business or anything but both of us have regular salary income, bonus income, stock grant income, and investment income.  On

$41,000 is now shit pay?  

That family constitution is creepy IMO.


This has always been very misleading stat because of infant morality rates.  People who lived past puberty basically lived as long as people today.  

Or we can keep losing elections but have the moral high ground.

This kid has zero financial acumen.  Kansas offered to pay him but he went to play for Duke for free.  Crazy.

You’re doing it wrong.  Just order room service on the corporate card.