
$41,000 is now shit pay?  

That family constitution is creepy IMO.


This has always been very misleading stat because of infant morality rates.  People who lived past puberty basically lived as long as people today.  

Or we can keep losing elections but have the moral high ground.

This kid has zero financial acumen.  Kansas offered to pay him but he went to play for Duke for free.  Crazy.

You’re doing it wrong.  Just order room service on the corporate card.

The article should be titled “I was taking breakfast room service and couldn’t think of a fucking thing to write about this week”

Honest question.  We vote by mail to avoid all this hot mess and because we’re busy.  Both work and have three children in activities.  I fill out a ballot and mail it in.  How do I know someone doesn’t just throw my ballot in the trash after seeing who I voted for?

And before you bring up THAT argument: Yes, I pay for Netflix, but TV shows and movies are consumed differently than music.

Totally agree.  This is exactly my thought on the matter. If you really are a music lover, it is ONE CD per month in cost and you can listen to tons of music. Do it in addition to buying CDs if you’re so hell bent on never having that one song you listened to once three years ago removed from the service. That

Tidal is still Garbage to me in everything BUT sound quality.  I’m an audiophile with multiple $400-$700 headphones, tube headphone amp, $5000 speakers etc. and Tidal ABSOLUTELY 100% sounds better.  The app and the algorithms still suck badly.

I’ve built multiple computers from scratch. I’ve done some coding and more scripting and automation both command line and using automation tools and data replication automation. I spent a decent portion of my career auditing Linux system security.  Every computer in my home is a Mac because I prefer them, not because

Its just fighting back at this point.  Votes are bought and sold as the normal course of business right now.

Does it make your life worse that someone is drinking a pickle juice martini?  Its not like anyone is refusing to serve you your long island ice tea.

Paraphrasing from a very apt statement I read recently.  Police are not there to protect you, they are there to protect the government.  They are like the HR of society.  They are not your friends.

You captured it right there. People who know how computers work, versus people who don’t.

I’ve never understood how people become attached enough to a brand to fight over it.

I can allow the statute of limitations as a reason Kavanaugh cannot be charged with rape (although I disagree with it).  However, that doesn’t mean he should be a supreme court justice.

I’m horrified that the person who asked this question is allegedly a Dr.  I thought you had to be smart... guess not.